There are people that have the biggest level, 25 and the highest fame and money. They get to highscores because they played for a longgg time, and made movies that everyone loves. These are some people that are on the highscores:
Pumpchkin: Is the top on highscores. Her dad owns moviestarplanet, which is why she always has vip. She is a very mean person, and makes fun of people secretly. She made a group called pump porters, which are people that are her fans.
Cutestuff.: Pumpchkins Bff. She doesn't have a personality because she dresses just like pumpchkin.
Joanna.Pety: Pumpchkins bff that doesn't have a personality. She asks like pumpchkin and CuteStuff.
MyBeau: WAS the nicest person on msp. I asked her for a wl, then she was saying all this mean stuff to me and blocked me. She was suffering from a disease.
There you have it, some people on MSP
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